John's series Genius featuring the adventures of Anode Enzyme, Genius (IQ 12, 794) and his patron Lord Doberman, the richest man in the world, ran weekly in The Observer magazine from 1978 until 1983 over 228 episodes, and won him the Glen Grant Strip Cartoon award in 1981.
In 1984 BBC Scotland Television made a wonderful arts feature documentary about John's work directed by Ken MacGregor, in which John appears in scenes with his characters. He is shown painting and talking about his work, along with voice over stills of his cartoons and watercolour paintings.
Titled: John Glashan : Genius, it was filmed in Scotland and John's characters were brought to life by actors Neil Connery who played Lord Doberman and John Buick as Anode Enzyme, Genius.
Genius cartoons © John Glashan
Above: Anode Enzyme, Genius, at Mollusc Hall
Above: Lord Doberman, the richest man in the world, and Anode Enzyme, Genius, find themselves on a piece of waste land ...
Above: It's my birthday today... You look marvellous for a man of 70 ... I'm 33...
Above: I have discovered the meaning of the universe ...
Above: In a bathroom at Mollusc Hall ...
Above: Anode Enzyme, Genius, has been invited to the Larvae club by Lord Doberman...